God’s Justice Will Be Done
A Reflection for the 29th
Sunday in Ordinary Time 2016
October 16, 2016
by Rev. Robert Johnnene OFM
Based on readings from; Psalm 121; 1-8,
2 Timothy 3:14-4:2, Luke 18:1-8
Mission Sts. Sergius & Bacchus
Order Franciscans of Mercy
The Gospel for this Sunday is the parable
about the judge in a
certain town who had neither fear of God nor respect for man and our need to
pray continually and never lose heart. Which ends with a promise from Christ
and also a question that is worth our considering in this age and time, “will not God see justice done to his chosen
who cry to him day and night even when he delays to help them?? I
promise you, He will see justice done to them, and done speedily. But when the
Son of Man comes, will he find any faith on earth?”
The Gospel story could very well be speaking about the
many people who live in this world today and seem to have little or no fear of
God or the consequences of how they are living their daily lives and who also
have no respect for anyone but their own self interests.
Our world today is very narcissistic and a great many
people seek out fame, fortune, (even I sucumed to that desire in my younger
years) and power and seem to care not about God or the plight of their brothers
and sisters in Christ.
Sadly some of the candidates running for the highest
office in this nation, congress and even down to local governmental office are
advocating the elimination of programs that assist the poor, sick, elderly and
those members of society who are often targeted for violence because of
ingrained discrimination often perpetrated by clergy.
A recent survey has pointed out a decline in the last
few decades of those who attend church on a regular basis. According to the poll
this trend has increased in the last decade at an alarming rate which might account
for the massive closing of churches and schools throughout the United States
and in other nations.
The attacks on Just the mere mention of God and the
display of any Christian symbols in public places as well as an attempt to
prevent prayers that use the word GOD or CHRIST at military funerals or any
Government function have also increased and with it we have seen the decline of
all moral values and simple courtesy and respect and an increase in violence.
Hardly a day goes by that we don’t hear of a report of
someone being gunned down on the streets of this country or senseless mass
killings by some fanatical group, often doing it in the name of God.
The only God that I am aware of that would condone
such acts of violence is the lord of the netherworld.
Far too many use God to justify their violence,
discrimination and prejudice toward ethnic and other groups of people who do
not fit their idea of the ideal individual.
One can but not wonder what God perceives of all this
and how He is going to judge us when it is our time to justify how we lived our
We might want to think about the words of Christ at
the end the Gospel reading “when the Son
of Man comes, will he find any faith on earth?”
I believe that He will find some who have tried to
live according to God’s will and the teachings of Christ.
He will find some who have “Loved their neighbor as they have loved themselves” and who have
practiced the Beatitudes and looked out for the well being of those who are
sick, aged, poor and needy. Christ, when He comes again, will also find people
who sought to know and love God in spite of rejection and ridicule from others.
In Paul’s second letter to Timothy 3:14-4:2, Paul
tells timothy to “Remain faithful to what
you have learned and believed and remember from whom it was taught”
The teacher was God’s master teacher, His beloved Son,
Jesus Christ.
Believing in God and accepting Jesus Christ as our
redeemer and Savior is not enough, we are called to live our faith every day we
live. We are called to put our lives in
God’s hands and to trust God’s will for us.
We must make it our life’s goal to live our lives with
respect for all God’s creation especially all His children regardless of their
race, creed, nationality, social position or sexual orientation.
A recent newspaper story about the condition of
seniors and how they are having a greater struggle every year especially those
who live on only their Social Security and even when those on fixed incomes do
receive a COLA, it does not actually keep up with the actual increase in the
cost of living.
In the last decade seniors have actually lost 52% of
their purchasing power and that will increase through the year 2017.
Many seniors have already given up all forms of simple
entertainment and had to cut back on , what many consider esentials.
Calls by all the organizations that serve the elderly
to change the COLA wis calculated have fallen on deaf ears.
This is just one example of the desire for greater
profits for the corporations so their investors can obtain bigger dividends and
become wealthier while neglecting needs of those who are suffering because of
inadequate health care, shelter, food and medicine.
Everywhere in our society there are many examples of a
total disregard of the needs of the less fortunate.
As Christians and followers of the teachings of Jesus
Christ, we need to actively speak out against all injustices and do everything
in our power to force changes in the laws of this country and the attitude of
governments all over the globe.
We need to rethink our own individual priorities and
make sure that we set aside at least 10% of the gifts God has given us returning
some of it back to help the needy or those that serve the less fortunate like
church ministries, food pantries, soup kitchens and shelters for battered men
and women.
God desires justice done in all things. The Gospel
reminds us of what Christ said of God; “I
promise you, he will see justice done to them, and done speedily. AMEN