Saturday, August 02, 2014
Sunday August 3rd Reflection
Only God Can Deny You Salvation
A Reflection for the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time
By Rev. Fr. Bob Johnnene OFD
Mission Sts. Sergius and Bacchus/ Franciscans of Divine Mercy
An All Inclusive and Welcoming Old Catholic Parish and Ministry
Of the Independent Catholic Church of the Americas
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Nothing can come between us and the love of Christ, even if we are troubled or worried, or being persecuted, or lacking food or clothes, or being threatened or even attacked. These are the trials through which we triumph, by the power of him who loved us. For I am certain of this: neither death nor life, no angel, no prince, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any power, or height or depth, nor any created thing, can ever come between us and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord. Romans 8:35-39
The above words are from the second reading for the 18th Sunday of Ordinary Time and should bring comfort to all who have been made to feel unwanted or rejected by a person, a business or even a religious denomination.
No matter what, according to Saint Paul, absolutely nothing can keep us separated from the love of Almighty God and from gaining eternal life in heaven if we live our lives with respect for all God's children and creation and express true contrition for our weaknesses and failures.
We are not put on this earth to live our lives for the praise or adulation of others but to achieve everlasting life by living in a manner that will please God, since He is the only person who really counts.
We all are going to be rejected by some human being, for some reason. God will only reject us if we do something that offends but He is quick to forgive us if we ask His forgiveness.
No human being can deny anyone the love, compassion or forgiveness of God or can they deny access to heaven.
God and only God has that power.
The Gospel reading this Sunday also affirms that with God all things are possible.
In the Gospel, Christ turns five loaves of bread and two fish into enough food to feed five thousand people and there were still twelve baskets of food left over.
God is a loving, merciful and compassionate God and he is the ultimate judge of us. It is what God thinks that counts, not what some human thinks.
Don't ever let any person be the cause of your giving up on God because God NEVER GIVES UP ON YOU.
If you put yourself totally in God's hands, take time every day to communicate with Him, letting him know your joys, sorrows, and your needs, giving thanks to him for the smallest thing that brought some light into what might have been a very dark day, thanking him for the miracle of the butterfly that danced before you in the garden, in essence, taking time every day to include God among those you talk with.
Let God know that you desire to have a lasting relationship with Him.
Yes, I call God “Father” and therefore male since that is how Christ referred to God.
It is God who is the source of all things and who determines who is and who is not worthy to enter into the company of the Heavenly elect.
We humans are inferior and imperfect, which means we are prone to make mistakes as history has taught us throughout the years.
People who have eventually been declared saints where persecuted by the church, like St. Joan of Arc, only to have the church later admit they were wrong.
Paul in today's reading makes it very clear that nothing, absolutely nothing can ever become between us and God’s infinite mercy and love except sin and God is ready and willing to forgive us if we but ask. Paul had this to say:"no prince, nothing that exists, nothing still to come, not any power, or height or depth, nor any created thing, can ever come between us and the love of God made visible in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
To me the message is crystal clear, let nothing dissuade you and turn you away from the infinite love of Almighty God and His beloved son, our redeemer and savior Jesus Christ. Christ’s mission here on earth was to proclaim the way, the truth and shed the light of God's teachings and desires for us.
Christ was the beacon that illuminated the way to be with God and the heavenly elect when our time here on earth is completed.
Follow that light and keep it in your heart every day.
Don't ever let anyone tell you that you are not wanted or accepted by God. Even the worst of sinners can obtain forgiveness and be accepted into the heavenly kingdom.
Seek God and listen to what is in your heart.
Love God and live your life being faithful to God by loving one another as Christ loved and welcomed all He came in contact with.
Love of God and of each other is the greatest commandment according to Christ.
Let us live each day with love and trust of God securely in our heart and love for each other by living our lives with consideration for the needs of all God's children and not just our own needs. Let us share the gifts we have been given by God with those who are in need and support the servants of God who are attempting to affirm God's infinite love by welcoming all God's children. By loving God and trusting in Him and seeking equality and justice for all God's children, we live as Christ instructed us. God will never abandon us; do not ever allow anyone to cause you to abandon God. AMEN
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