Blessed be Father, Son and Holy Spirit
Reflection of reading for Trinity Sunday
Deuteronomy 4:32-34; 39-40; Psalm 33; Romans 8:14-17; Matthew 28:16-20
The Feast of the Trinity, the belief that there are three distinct manifestations of the One God, is one of the most difficult for many to understand and believe. In scripture, we find many references to the three manifestations or persons of God. Jesus, in Matthew 28 tells the disciples “Baptize them in the name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit” In Romans we read “Those who are led by the Spirit of God are sons of God” I am not going to go into the scholarly dissertations that have been made through the ages. St. Patrick used the shamrock to define the trinity, others have used the qualities of (water, liquid, solid, gas) to show how one thing can have three distinct qualities. Most of us who believe accept the fact of the Trinity.
I do want to reflect on how we relate to the Trinity. There is only One God, the God who is the creator of all things. The God who asks only that we recognize Him and only Him is the same God who gave to Moses the rules of life for all to follow, the commandments. When the commandments are examined, with intelligence, they make logical sense as an intelligent way to lead ones life. If we follow them, we will not only honor God, but we will also live lives that respect the dignity and individuality of all humanity. Christ in Matthew 28 says “Full authority has been given to me both in heaven and on earth. Teach them to observe all the Commands I gave you and know that I am with you always; yes, until the end of the earth”. In order to show His unending love for all His children, Almighty God sent himself in the human form of Jesus to not only clearly demonstrate that a human could live according to the Commandments, but to simplify them by clarifying how simple it is to give honor and glory to God. “Love the Lord, your God, with your whole heart, mind, soul and being and Love your neighbor as yourself”.
The reading from Romans 8:14 states “Everyone moved by the Spirit is a son of God” and it concludes with “If we are children, we are heirs as well; heirs of God, heirs with Christ”
The Holy Spirit, the third person or persona of Almighty God is often referred to as “ENLIGHTENER, COUNCELOR, COMFORTOR. In Baptism we, as Jesus himself was by John at the Jordan river, are baptized with water and the Spirit. This means that just as the spirit descended upon Jesus in the form of a dove, we also receive the spirit and with it the gifts of the Spirit which are, “Wisdom, Understanding, Knowledge, Counsel, Fortitude, Piety and Fear of the Lord and the fruits of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, faith, meekness, and temperance. These gifts and fruits are strengthened and supposedly deepened within us through prayer, and the Eucharist and each day we live as Jesus taught us.
If, however, we choose to ignore God’s desires for us; succumbing to greed, sexual promiscuity, discrimination, disregard for the poor and needy, selfishness, and anger; we separate ourselves from God and the Gifts of the Spirit.
In other words, if we believe and accept Christ as our redeemer and savior, and if we follow the commandments of God and clarified by Christ, we then will gain everlasting life in the spirit when our time in our mortal bodies is over. We need to be ever vigilant, opening ourselves to receive the Holy Spirit into our life, listening to what our hearts are telling us and discern if it conforms to what Christ has bid us do. If we do this we will indeed become one with the Father, Son and Holy Spirit.
Rev. Robert Johnnene OFA
Mission Sts. Sergius and Bacchus
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Friday, June 09, 2006
Tuesday, June 06, 2006
Prayers for GLBT Persons and Their Parents
Prayer For AID's Sufferers
by Rev. Robert Johnnene OFA
Mission Saints Sergius and Bacchus
Almighty and merciful God bring comfort to my heart and healing to my body which has been revaged with illness. Help me to accept and bear this illness as Jesus bore His sufferings for our sake.
May His beloved Mother who watched in horror while He suffered upon the cross for our sake, as my family and friends do now, interceede on my behalf asking Him to relieve me from the weakness and ilness that has overtaken me and grant my loved ones the strength to accept God's will and only be filled with love and understanding. I trust in you and accept your will as just Jesus did. AMEN
Ministry Prayer for GLBT Persons
Lord, You are my shepherd, the one who knows my voice, recognizes me, and calls me by name. You gather me up, hold me close, and feed me. You strengthen me, when I am weak, heal me when I am sick, and bind up my wounds. Lord, You are my shepherd, the one who refreshes my soul, invites me to the table, and welcomes me to dwell in Your house. I am your homosexual child, baptized into your flock, O Lord. My family and I cry out to you for shepherds here on earth, in our church and among ourselves, who, like you, know us, feed us, care for us, and invite us to your table. Amen
(Acknowledgement to the MLGC office of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles)
A prayer for parents of a GLBT person
(acknowledgement to the MLGC office of the Archdiocese of Los Angeles)
Thank you, Lord, for each other. Give us support, understanding and appreciation for where we are in our journey. Grant us the serenity to understand the precious ones you have given us and your will for them. Turn the darkness around us into light. Lord, open the hearts and eyes of parents who have abandoned their children and bring back those special children who have left your church. Help all our church leaders to show compassion in their ministry.All loving God, we place our thoughts and doubts, biases and viewpoints, plans and confusion into Your hands.Lead us in Your way. In Your will is our peace. Amen
Rev. Robert Johnnene OFA Mission Sts. Sergius and BacchusEmail: Mission_St_Sergius@msn.comWeb Site: www.missionstsergius.orgYahoo Group: 360 Blog: Group Blog:
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