Mirror Reflections
(Are you a reflection of The Divine and Everlasting Mercy and Love of Christ?)
By Rev. Robert Johnnene OFA
Mission Saints Sergius and Bacchus
http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EverlastingLoveOfChristMinistrywww.missionstsergius.orgWhen you look in the mirror what do you see?
Is the reflection cast back at you sharp and clear?
Are there streaks or dirty spots on the mirror?
Do you see, in your reflection, the infinite and everlasting mercy and love of Christ being cast back at you?
If there are streaks or spots on your reflection ask yourself what is it in me that is causing those distortions.
Possibly they are there because you are not totally open to accepting all of God’s children equally.
They could be caused because you spend too much time thinking about yourself and your needs instead of finding out how you can reach out and help others less fortunate than you.
One thing that can cause dark shadows and streaks on your mirror reflection is a distance you put between you and Almighty God. You believe in God and turn to Him when in need of a special something, but you do not take time out every day to communicate with him as you would with your best friend and give thanks for all he has given you.
Sometimes, just possibly, when you look in the mirror you do not recognize the person staring back at you. You need to ask why do I not recognize that person.
There is of course those times when you can see another figure behind you who seems to be calling to you. That reflection can either be a dark and foreboding presence which should frighten you, or it might be a beautiful luminescent image that seems to glow from within. These reflections are either the power of evil trying to lead you astray, or your guardian angel watching over you to prevent you from succumbing to being less than what God desires of you.
Take a good look at yourself in that mirror, do you reflect the infinite love and mercy of Jesus Christ to yourself and to all you encounter on your life journey ? Doe you live your live in a way that would prompt God to praise you as “My good and faithful servant”? Then your image is crystal clear and exactly what you want to envision when you look in your mirror. What you see in that mirror is what you represent to and how others see you. If you live your life striving always to be kind, generous, thoughtful, forgiving, and not discriminatory of any individual, even those with whom you disagree, you are well on the way to seeing Christ in your reflection and others will see that in you.
If, however, you discriminate because God created someone with a same sex orientation, or someone has been divorced, or worse yet, that an individual is not of the same nationality, race or religious denomination as you, then your reflection is going to be full of blotches, stains and streaks and your image in the mirror needs to be cleaned up.
Jesus Christ did not reject anyone, he called and welcomed all to himself, even those who were sinners so that he could forgive them and encourage them to “Go and Sin No More” He sat at table with all political and religious persons, rejecting no one, teaching them how to attain salvation. Christ endured suffering and even death on the cross in order to free us from the burden of sin and open the gates of heaven to all. His example should have told us that to live as He instructed would not be easy and that we might be ridiculed and rejected and even have to suffer in order to be truthful and live according to God’s will.
Christ and His Almighty Father have even given us a source of strength in the gifts bestowed upon us by the Holy Spirit; Wisdom, Understanding, Counsel, Fortitude, Knowledge, Piety, and Fear of the Lord.
The secret here is, we have to seek them out and we have to ask for them. I have a prayer I say every day seeking these gifts from God through the Holy Spirit. In closing this little food for thought I would like to share it with you. May the reflection you see have few flaws and may Almighty God give you the fortitude to improve your reflection so that in it you see God clearly. AMEN
Prayer to The Holy Spirit
By Father Robert Johnnene OFA
O Most Holy Spirit, merciful Comforter; Come, I beseech You, and take up abode in my heart.
Let my weaknesses be penetrated with your strength, so that I may always do what is right and just.
Fill my heart with charity toward all I encounter.
Enlighten my in my ignorance, advise me in my doubts.
Purify and cleanse me of all sin and sanctify my soul protecting and shielding me from the temptations that plague me.
Make me truly humble that I may be pleasing to Almighty God.
Instill within me an honest respect of Almighty God and all of his creations.
Assist me to be an instrument of God's Word to all I encounter.
Give unto me the gift of Wisdom to know and live according to God’s will.
By your generous bestowing of your gifts, help me to live a holy life and grow in the everlasting love of Christ so that I may join with all the heavenly elect when my days here on earth are ended.
I ask this through Jesus Christ, my redeemer and savior, who lives and reigns with you and our creator Almighty God as one triune God, now and forever. AMEN