Sunday, March 25, 2007

Feast Day Reflection

Reflection for the Feast of Annunciation
The Founding of the Franciscans of the Annunciation
By Rev. Robert Johnnene OFA
Mission Saints Sergius and Bacchus

“Hail Mary! Full of grace” “The Lord is with you”, how wonderful it would be to have that affirmation given to us. Wouldn’t it be great if an angel of the Lord came down and announced to us the greeting that was given to the Our Blessed Mother Mary, the mother of Christ.
There is no question that it would be wonderful to hear but we have to ask ourselves, are we worthy of hearing that message? Have we actually lived by the teachings of Almighty God as found in the commandments and especially in the teachings of Christ?
Do we love God above all things? Do we love our neighbor as we love ourselves and see in every human being, Jesus Christ? Do we practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and the Beatitudes?
The Angel Gabriel appeared to Mary as she was engaged in her daily practice of prayer. Mary lived fully in accordance with the Jewish faith and was prayerful and totally committed to Almighty God and living according to the teachings and beliefs of her Jewish faith.
When the angel made His announcement to Mary her first reaction was “How can this be?”
With these words, Here I am Lord, May it be done to me according to your word! She freely accepted God’s will for her even though she knew that, as an unmarried woman found with child she could be stoned to death. Do we have that kind of faith and trust in accepting God’s will for us?
In order to have that kind of faith we have to give ourselves over completely to God’s will for us and accept it. If God willed that we be born with an orientation toward a member of the same sex, we have to accept that and live our lives in accordance with that and not use it as an excuse to separate ourselves from God because others say that it is our choice and not God’s plan and therefore we are sinners.
Do we listen when God does choose to speak to us in our hearts or do we pass it off as an illusion or a dream and not discern what God is trying to tell us?
It was not until I stopped demanding to always do things my way and to begin to ask God what it was he wanted from me that I began to find true peace within my self and in my heart and mind.
A year ago the original Franciscan order to which I had become incardinated was disbanded over some dissention and I wondered what the reason was and where I might go to follow what I felt sure was a mission God wanted me to do. As it turned out one of the Bishops who had been a member of the original order also wondered and somehow a prayer I wrote during this time of discernment led him to feel that it was where God wanted us and he founded the Franciscans of the Annunciation of the Infinite Love of God. The Infinite love of God is the prime message of the Annunciation to Our Blessed Mother Mary. God so loved the world that He choose to send His only begotten son to earth in human form to teach us the truth. The truth is that God always loves us, even when we try to ignore Him and go our own way. God does not give up on us. All He demands of us is that we acknowledge Him and attempt, with the help of His Divine Mercy and the Holy Spirit, to live our lives in a manner that is not harmful to ourselves or others.
Since only God is perfect, He knows that our human condition is far from perfect. He respects and loves us as we struggle with the difficulties of daily life.
God choose Mary to be the mother of His only begotten son because she lived her life in total accordance with His laws as they had been handed down through Jewish tradition and loved and worshiped the God of Abraham, Isaac and Jacob.
Jesus told us that He came to earth on behalf of His Father to bring a new covenant.
Mary accepted God’s will even though she new that in doing so she could be stoned to death and as Jesus began His ministry Mary followed Jesus even to the wrenching pain of watching her son suffer and die a horrible death nailed to a wooden cross.
She was there when he arose and when the Holy Spirit came down on the apostles. She was the First and most loyal of all the disciples. She truly showed us the way to follow Christ.
During these final two weeks of Lent, let us make a concerted effort to change ourselves into dedicated and true followers of Christ and devoted children of Almighty God by totally giving our lives over to the will of God and accepting His will for us just as Mary did. Let us be more tolerant of the diversity of God’s creation especially in our neighbors. Let us practice the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy and live the Beatitudes each and every day by being more mindful of the need of sufferings of others and reach out to them as the Good Samaritan did for the man beaten on the side of the road.
By living this way we may not become true saints but it is just possible we will, one day, hear the voice of an angel speaking to us saying “God loves you for being His good and faithful servant and is welcoming you home to His loving arms.

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