Friday, November 17, 2006

God and Government

Render Unto Caesar the things that are Caesar’s
and unto God the things that are God’s
A Reflection for November 19, 2006
By Rev. Robert Johnnene OFA
Mission Saint Sergius and Bacchus
Today we are faced with many difficult and discomforting decisions in our day to day lives. We are subjected to many differing voices of opinions on everything from the justification of the wars being waged to an individuals right to life. The ability to be free to marry the person we love and receive the same benefits of every other citizen, and how we treat the homeless and poor with housing and medical care. These are serious life defining questions.
Every one of these issues have government officials and religious leaders that prescribe different points of view.
We should look for the answers in the true teachings of Christ as found in the original manuscripts of the early church before the political ambitions of church leaders distorted the writings.
How we should act becomes increasingly difficult to discern. Who’s opinion and view is the right one. The Gospel reading for the Orthodox church this week might give us a direction to look toward for an answer “Render Unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God’s.“ MATTHEW 22:21.
Because of the multiple religious voices who have translated the Holy Scriptures to suite their political agendas and for financial considerations, there are questions as to what is meant by this passage and many others. The dictionary has the following meanings for the word RENDER
1. vt give help: to give help or provide a service (formal) or . vt pay respect: to give what is due or appropriate to somebody who has authority or power (formal) “Render therefore unto Caesar the things which are Caesar’s” Matthew 22:21
If we were to consider the first translation (to give help or provide a service) then we as Christians are called to help Government by suggesting the direction they should take.
Many times the lines between Religion and Government have become totally blurred in the past and most recently in the last few decades.
Government officials who claim to be Christians do not always reflect the teachings of Jesus Christ in their legislative rulings. They are like beautifully wrapped gift boxes that when opened are empty. When laws are passed that discriminate against any group of individuals governments are not acting as Jesus did. Jesus never discriminated against anyone who came to him that believed and asked His help.
The role of Government is to insure the Public Safety and well being of all. Government is to protect the public from thieves, adulterers, murderers, cheats, or any behavior that endangers the general well being of the public. When the government invades the private day to day lives of individuals, who are not causing harm to anyone, by promoting laws that discriminate they are not fulfilling their constitutional role.
In the Commonwealth of Massachusetts not one citizen has been harmed from the legalization of same sex unions. In fact the results have actually shown the law to be a benefit to every citizen and strengthened the concept of loving relationships. Yet there are those who are attempting to enforce their religious teachings upon all the citizens of the Commonwealth by attempting to reverse the decision of the courts. What they fear is unknown and unproved but is based solely on their interpretation of Holy Scripture and personal prejudiced fear.
All the references in the Scriptures to same sex relationships are in conjunction with acts that were used as a means of worship to false God’s and were prevalent in ancient times. Many were instansis where people were forced to engage in sexual activity or where people were using sex solely for the pleasure of it and not in a committed and loving relationship as an fulfillment of their love for their partner.
When Government begins to decide what rights and privileges citizens can have based on their religious beliefs they have gone beyond the role of Government. Just as when Religious leaders try to enforce their particular belief on every citizen they have stepped beyond their place. Both scenarios are wrong.
The Middle East is a prime example of what can happen when one religion attempts to suppress another religion and enforce their belief on everyone. Millennium of discord, wars and the resulting deaths of millions have occurred and still the battle rages
As long as people are not hurting others and inflicting undue suffering of others or stealing, murdering or raping others, governments should abide by the rules of “LIVE AND LET LIVE”
Today’s world is in need of more love, not more hate. Governments need to focus on finding ways to bring about peace and harmony among all nations, not wage war.
Governments and their officials need to focus on easing the pain and suffering of the poor, elderly, homeless, and sick. They need to find ways of curing illnesses that diminish the quality of life of individuals with Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s, HIV/AIDS, MLS, Cancer and SID’s.
Christ told us, 25I have said these things to you while still with you; but the Paraclete, the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, will teach you everything and remind you of all I have said to you. Peace I bequeath to you, my own peace I give you, a peace which the world cannot give, this is my gift to you. Do not let your hearts be troubled or afraid” JOHN 14:25-28
We need to listen to the Holy Spirit working within us and pray for God’s guidance in our discernment.
We are called to live our daily lives with respect, decency, honesty, and most important, with total and complete trust and love of Almighty God.
We need to work for peace and justice toward all the children of God in the same manner as Jesus Christ did. It is incumbent on each of us to do it not to leave it all to government.
It is not our place to determine who is and who is not going to be acceptable in the eyes of God but to insure that the truth is given and the work done as Christ instructed.
We have a right to express our views on government actions but not the right to enforce our views on everyone. That is one of God’s precious gifts, the freedom to choose. Because I choose to believe and live in a certain way does not mean that it is correct for all. Any group of individuals who attempt to force their way on others is doing a disservice to everyone, including themselves.
Let us follow Christ’s teaching and “Render Unto Caesar the things that are Caesars and unto God the things that are God’s.“ MATTHEW 22:21. AMEN

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